"I've been listening to the eloquent songs of Bill Nash for a long time now. He's one of those generous spirits that you can't forget... It's high time we got him down here at Anderson Fair!" -- quoted from Ken Gaines, host of the Songwriter's Night Showcase, Anderson Fair, Houston, TX
"There are those gifted few who draw you in with just a phrase... Bill Nash is one of those songwriters. Whether you are a songwriter or just someone who admires songwriters, you owe it to yourself to own a copy of this wonderful music. Bill is a gifted writer, a songwriter's songwriter, who graciously pours his life into yours, leaving you just a bit richer for knowing him. I have picked with Bill, and I will never forget the experience. Bill Nash is a treasure." -- quote from Greg Young through CDBaby.com
"WOW! I finally had a chance to listen to Bill Nash's latest CD "Dreaming Again" and was blown away! This man is a master songsmith and astonishing guitar wizard! You owe it to yourself to give him a listen. Some folks I know may find this CD in their Christmas stocking! MAN! I need to find some time to get with Bill and learn from him, when I am back in Texas. - Clint Lawrence
WildFlower! Festival Songwriter contest finalist 2003 & 2006 (VOTED AUDIENCE FAVORITE 2003!)
3 years chosen as Regional Award Winner at the Kerrville Folk Festival
2002 BW Stevenson finalist at Poor David's Pub, Dallas, TX
2002 IAMA Park Cities, UT Cheryl Wheeler Workshop award winner
2002 Northern California Songwriter's Association honorable mention
Rose Garden Coffeehouse Songwriter contest finalist in 2000 Mansfield, MA
"Imaginative songwriting and polished guitar ability, writes story songs (ala Harry Chapin), with a lyric/poetic emphasis on the struggles / tribulations / jubilations of life on earth."
- Linda Silas
"... Bill's songs of life and relationships and the journey into one's own soul will stick in your head and have you singing bits of them after the evening is over."
- Uncle Calvin's Coffeehouse
Bill Nash has been a musician all his life. He was a 5-year-old boy soprano, a 4th grade french hornist (played horn all through college), a 15-year-old beginning guitarist and then an 18-year-old guitar teacher, and a graduate of Bradley University's School of Music, majoring in composition studying under the tutelage of Professor Dean Howard, and an almost master's degree from time at the University of Colorado (just one semester short!). Bill began writing music and lyrics in his early teens and his roots are firmly embedded in what is now known as the singer/songwriter acoustic music genre. He has performed styles as diverse as rock 'n roll, fusion, country, polka, folk, and even old-time western music, ala the Sons of the Pioneers.
Bill has 3 albums currently available, Mostly True Stories (1996), Runs With Scissors (1998), and Dreaming Again (2010), containing mostly original songs and a few cover tunes from some of his favorite songwriters. His songs range from love songs to heartbreak songs, from true stories to completely imaginative fabrications, from protest songs to environmental songs, and he even wrote a tribute song for Uncle Calvin's Coffeehouse in Dallas ("... the best coffee and hugs in town!"), where he has been a volunteer almost every Friday night since 1993.
On "Runs With Scissors", Bill was delighted to be joined by the likes of Dana Cooper (harmonica), Chris Gage (honky tonk piano), Marsha Webb (classical piano), Denny Allen (bass guitar and recording engineer), and Don Conoscenti (practically everything, from wailing guitars to drum set to flute to dumbeck to metal chair!), and a very special group of 6 lady singers he affectionately calls "The RollAides" (referenced from his song, "She Rolls", for which they sang beautiful backup harmonies).
The new CD "Dreaming Again" was a 10 year effort, containing 12 songs previously unreleased! This album starts out with Bill's newest instrumental "Night Ascent", then cycles through favorites "Come Home, "When I Was in Love", "Mirror Deep", and many others. This CD was 10 years in the making due to Bill's physical limitations, money issues, and then Tom Prasada Rao came along and said "Let's finish this!", and so it was! Also joining Bill on this CD were Pat Wictor (dobro), Chris Gage (guitar and accordian), TPR on a bunch of instruments, and Cary Cooper on background harmonies. These songs are among the best Bill has ever written, and it is sure to become a classic in the indie/folk music arena!
Bill has been invited to sing background harmony on mainstage at the Kerrville Folk Festival many times, with fine musicians from Anne Hills to Michael McNevin to Tom Prasada-Rao to Jana Stanfield to Albert & Gage to Josh White Jr to Jon Vezner to the Rhythm Angels, and was 1 of 4 invited singer/songwriters at the Dallas Campfire show hosted by Emilie Aronson on the Threadgill Theater stage at Kerrville in 1996.
Mostly True Stories (1996)
Bill's first acoustic folk project, this album presents stories about his life that are all true... well, mostly. As mentioned in "James Dean's Genes," he had never driven a motorcycle - so the cover photo is an outright lie! :) Sparsely produced with only a few side musicians, these songs are all original and all very personal.
Song list: Open Book, Gentle Winds, Expectations, House of Rhapsody, Melissa and Michael, Snow Day, James Dean's Genes, Along This Road, Carry On, The Folly of it All, The Time is Too Short and Question (and hidden track of Putsie talking up a storm!)
Runs With Scissors (1998)
This album starts out rocking and takes the listener on a journey through joyful and tragic stories, and defines and redefines "home". In addition to Bill's 12 original tunes (2 of them instrumentals), he has included 3 songs by 3 of his favorite writer friends. Joined by many fine musicians, Bill shows his composer's ear and impressive talent for harmonies.
Song list: Runs With Scissors, Colorado, Erosion, I'm Not Drinking Today (Steve Fisher), She Rolls, I Choose, Come Home, Perfect Love's all in Your Head, Runs With Scissors II, Hoping to the Sky, Another Casualty of War, I Ain't Had a Good Day (George McAllister), Rain Song, A Touch of Gina, and I Count You My Friend (Buddy Mondlock) (and another small hidden track of Putsie!)
Dreaming Again (2010)
We think you'll agree that this CD was worth the wait... classic songs written in the past 10 years by Bill!
Song list: Night Ascent, Come Home, When I Was in Love, Mirror Deep, Painted Ponies, What To Do, Family Tree, Since I Met Maggie, Hubert, Almost Every Friday, Sheldon & Shirley, Changeling, and a hidden track.
Also, look soon for another CD called "Family Album", which contains story songs written for all of Bill's many "families", from blood family to Uncle Calvin's family to Kerrville family to Rocky Mountain song school family!
Venues - from Texas to Arkansas to Massachusetts to Colorado!!
Acoustic Sounds Coffeehouse - Little Rock, AR
ACT House Concerts, at the Gentle Arms of Eden, Home for Wayward Women, Musician's Rest and Wildlife Retreat! - Wylie, TX
Alexander's Hideaway - Dallas, TX
Anderson Fair - Houston, TX
The Balcony Club - atop the Lakewood Theater, Dallas, TX
Camp Can Do - MS retreat/campout, near Burton, TX
Camp NashBill, Quiet Valley Ranch, TX
Cottonwood Art Festival - Richardson, TX
First United Methodist Church - Lucas, TX
Flowers in the Desert - Brenham, TX
Folk Alliance Showcases at each of the Folk Alliances - Albuquerque, NM - Vancouver, BC - Jacksonville, FL - Nashville, TN - Austin, TX - Kerrville, TX - Memphis, TN
Gloria Dei Nights! Coffeehouse - Garland, TX
Infusions - McKinney, TX
Jefferson Freedom Cafe - Ft Worth, TX
Kerrville Folk Festival - Kerrville, TX
Kerrville College Songwriter's Contest 2003 (featured performer), UNT campus, Denton, TX
Live Oak Coffeehouse - Austin, TX
Main Street Coffee Haus - Garland, TX
Malvina's Coffeehouse - Carrollton, TX
Margaret's Occasional Salon - Dallas, TX
Millbend Coffeehouse - The Woodlands, TX
Mom and Dad's House Concert! - Joliet, IL
Old Church Coffeehouse - Clarksville, TX
Open Door Coffeehouse - Arlington, TX
Poor David's Pub - Deep Ellum, TX
Rocky Mountain Folks Festival Main Stage - Lyons, CO
Roland's Next Door - Jacksonville, TX
Rose Garden Coffeehouse - Mansfield, MA
Seville Stage - Harrison, AR
Uncle Calvin's Coffeehouse - Dallas, TX
Walden Coffeehouse - San Antonio, TX
WildFlower! Festival - Richardson, TX
Wildwood Coffeehouse - Tyler, TX
Shared stage with/opened for:
Adler and Hearne, Ann Armstrong, Albert and Gage, Emilie Aronson, the Banded Geckos, Annie Benjamin, Ken Bonfield, Jenny Bruce, Adam Carroll, Don Conoscenti, Stephanie Corby, Anni Clark, Cary Cooper, Dana Cooper, Damaris, Joe Ebel, Michael Elwood and Beth Galiger, Janet Feld, Eric Folkerth, Annie Gallup, LaDonna Goetz, Wayne Greene, Bill Haymes, Anne Hills, Todd Hoke, Bill Kahler, Karen Mal, Peter Mayer, Michael McNevin, Tracie Merchant, Lu Mitchell, Hunter Moore, Heidi Muller, Bill and Mary Muse, Megan Peters, Tom Prasada-Rao, Chuck Pyle, Alton Rex, David Roth, Eric Schwartz, Tom Noe & Linda Silas, Small Potatoes, Christopher Smith, Michael Smith, Johnsmith, Jana Stanfield, Jeff Talmadge, Jon Vezner, Bill Ward, Josh White Jr, Beth Wood, Rhythm Angels
Email address: bill@putsieNOSPAMcat.com (take out the NOSPAM to send)
Mailing address:
B i l l N a s h
1 3 6 9 5 Goldmark Dr Apt 2211
D a l l a s, T X 7 5 2 4 0
Cell phone: ( 9 7 2 ) 9 7 9 - 8 2 6 4
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